charitable foundation

美 [ˈtʃærətəbl faʊnˈdeɪʃn]英 [ˈtʃærətəbl faʊnˈdeɪʃn]
  • 慈善基金会
charitable foundationcharitable foundation
  1. Charitable Foundation is also growing as an important part of the third sector .


  2. He said that it was not starting his charitable foundation early enough .


  3. Charitable foundation projects are important way to solve the social problems .


  4. Is a charitable foundation the new private jet ?


  5. Mr Elman intends to use proceeds to fund a charitable foundation .


  6. When the Chinese objected , Li tried to engineer a compromise transaction involving his charitable foundation .


  7. Yam Pak Charitable Foundation King Lam Home for the Elderly [ Christian Family Service Centre ]


  8. In the past , Mr Trump has used money from his charitable foundation , the Donald J.


  9. Jonathan is chairman of the charitable foundation .


  10. Mr Li reckons he can bypass anti-trust concerns by buying through his charitable foundation .


  11. In the new era , in an open and competitive market environment , the charitable foundation donated income by a multiplier effect .


  12. Post-project evaluation is an important stage within the charitable foundation projects cycle , meanwhile , it is also the important content of project management .


  13. After the donation ceremony , I was awarded honorary certificates by Charitable Foundation .


  14. We believe in giving back to the community and the MJF Charitable Foundation is founded on this basis .


  15. Twenty-four hours after announcing that his charitable foundation was donating a hundred million dollars to help fight AIDS in India


  16. Firstly , the policies and systems of and behind , in the meantime , the charitable foundation for its operation mechanism of the people are not mature .


  17. But there was concern expressed by several members about fund-raising overseas by the charitable foundation of her husband , former President Bill Clinton .


  18. From an interview with Chinachem Charitable Foundation lawyer , Keith M.K.Ho .


  19. Mr Shapiro 's charitable foundation lost nearly half its assets , which were estimated at $ 345m at the end of last year .


  20. When ? Over the past five years . How ? Uh , through a tax-deductible charitable foundation set up by your accountant and someone .


  21. A Hong Kong court last month awarded the whole of Ms Wang 's fortune to the Chinachem Charitable Foundation , the family-run trust .


  22. Mbarire has hit back , saying the money was requested by Lumumba himself as a donation to the director 's charitable foundation .


  23. They will donate 99 % of their Facebook shares - currently valued at $ 45 billion - to the work of a new charitable foundation , the letter claims .


  24. A university or charitable foundation is a safer route for those who want to be fondly , or at least respectfully , remembered centuries from now .


  25. The charitable foundation launched recently by pop diva Faye Wong and her film star husband Li Yapeng has set an ambitious agenda for this year .


  26. Donald J. Trump 's charitable foundation will not be paying any of the $ 25 million settlement to resolve a series of lawsuits concerning Trump University ,


  27. The fund still manages assets of $ 24bn made up of Mr Soros ' personal family wealth , money from his charitable foundation and small amounts from family and close friends .


  28. Recently , I spent a day brainstorming about storytelling techniques with two film-makers and a Hollywood producer , to help out a charitable foundation that needs to promote its causes .


  29. Prosecutors say he must explain what happens to more than 400 million dollars which they say is missing from a charitable foundation . From Jakarta , Lucy Williamson reports .


  30. Unfortunately , she got hurt , so she had to settle for singing instead of dancing which is a shame not only for her , but for her charitable foundation .
